
Owned Cats Spay/Neuter Services

Feline Non-Grant Spay/Neuter Services

Individuals who DO NOT live within the grant eligible zip codes can still utilize our low-cost services at the following prices:

Animal Male Female
Cat $50.00 $70.00
  • Must have their pet vaccinated with DHPP/FVRCP at least 2 weeks before the surgery.
  • Must be at least 2 months of age and weigh at least 2lbs.
  • Please do not allow your pet to eat or drink after 10pm prior to the day of the appointment.
  • Cats must be dropped off between 7:00am and 9:00am.
  • Pick-up from surgery will be the same day at 4:00pm.  The hospital will close and lock its doors at 5:00 pm. All pets MUST be picked up by 5:00 pm.
  • All cats must be in their own hard-sided (plastic) carrier that is appropriate to their size (they MUST have enough room to turn around comfortably with an e-collar).  SOFT/FABRIC CARRIERS AND CARDBOARD BOXES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED!
  • All pets over the age of 12 weeks must be up to date on the rabies vaccination.  You will need to bring a vaccine certification that has been signed by the providing doctor or we will have to administer the vaccine the same day of surgery for an additional $25.
  • It is mandated that all pets will go home with an Elizabethan Collar (cone) to prevent any biting or licking near their surgery site which will be an additional $8.
  • There will be a $35 non-refundable deposit to secure your appointment which will go towards the cost of services provided.
  • If you need to schedule an appointment for more than one pet, please schedule a separate appointment for each pet. Cats must come in separate carriers.
  • As per City of San Antonio requirements, if your cat is not already microchipped we will have to microchip them on the day of the surgery. The microchip is an additional $25.

Other organizations who offer pet sterilization services:

SNAP: 210-673-7722
San Antonio Humane Society: 210-226-7461
SNIPSA: 210-237-9400
Perrin-410 Animal Hospital: 210-650-3141