Spay/Neuter Services

Thank you for helping us combat overpopulation in our community while ensuring your pet is healthy and happy!

Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Services for Owned Felines

ADL is excited to offer low-cost spay/neuter surgeries to felines aged 3 months or older!

Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Services

ADL is accepting feral cats for spay/neuter in a limited capacity for cats trapped within the City of San Antonio (COSA). Please view the Feral Cat Sterilization Page for more information.

ADL Hospital:

11215 Iota Dr, San Antonio, TX 78217


Other organizations who offer pet sterilization services:

SNAP: 210-673-7722
San Antonio Humane Society: 210-226-7461
SNIPSA: 210-237-9400