
Let's Be Friends!

Categories: Pet Tips

For anyone who has ever heard some describe their dog as “aggressive,” you are not alone!  The truth is, in many cases it’s not aggression at all but REACTION that’s the problem. A trigger for a reactive dog can be anything from another dog, to strangers to cars or vacuum cleaners.  The reaction can be out of fear or excitement and yes, sometimes it is aggression.  Whatever it is that has your dog reacting, there are some things you can…

Say My Name, Say My Name

It may sound silly, but sometimes getting your dog to learn his or her name can be a real challenge. Just like a newborn baby, many pet owners agonize over the perfect name for their pup.  Whether you want something cute, cool, quirky or crazy … naming our dog is a lesson in creativity.  So when pup just looks at you like your nuts, well, that can drive you nuts!  Of course, learning the name has some real training consequences…

Your Guess Is As Good As Mine

Categories: FosterOpt to Adopt

Currently available for foster are Clarence and Jake. These two wonderful little guys are almost ready for adoption and simply need to gain a few pounds before spay/neuter surgery. Literally too cute for words, I have yet to establish a breed for these two as "Your Guess Is As Good As Mine" Should you be interested in fostering please feel free to contact or by phone at 210.655.1481 ext.123  

Housebreaking Woes

Categories: Pet Tips

Housebreaking is one of those things that almost every dog owner struggles with when they get a new best friend.  Whether you get a puppy or a dog, it's always going to be lesson number one! Teaching your dog to "do its business" outside takes a little time, management and LOTS of patience! Sadly, many dog owners aren't willing to do the extra work. Even scarier is when they think the dog or puppy should just "figure it out" on…

Foster Update – Perry

Categories: FosterPet Spotlight

Having recently undergone surgery to have both eyes removed, Perry has been recovering well with his new foster family. What makes this case such a special one is the fact Perry found a home with another blind dog. His foster family adopted "Odie" a few years back and have completely arranged and "proofed" their home for these special little guys. Doors in the house are fitted with bells so these guys know when and where doors are opening. Mom walks…

A True Foster Success Story

Categories: FosterOpt to Adopt

The  2014 year is already off to a great start! To ring in the New Year, one of our long term fosters was able to find a forever home. Originally brought in with 8 puppies, Sophie needed time in foster to dry her remaining milk and more importantly to work thru her serious social issues. Although Sophies puppies were immediatly placed in foster and ulitmately adopted, Sophie found herself in foster for nearly a year. After returning from foster in early…

Happy New Year!

Categories: Pet Tips

Believe it or not, it's almost time to ring out 2013 and ring in 2014.  In just a few short hours it'll be a new year!  You can bet there will be plenty of parties and lots of noisemakers when the clock strikes midnight.  So let's not take the term"party animals" literally.  You need to be especially protective of your dog and cat tonight.  New Year's Eve is a time of year when lots of pets get scared of all the noise…

Fall in Love with a New BFF

Categories: Opt to Adopt

Ah Valentine's Day ... a time to fall in love, celebrate the love in your life or celebrate your single life status.  This is my first year as a wife on Valentine's Day and it is fantastic!  But I must admit I've always had true love on Valentine's Day for going on 15 years now ... thanks to my lovely doxies Lars and Anna.  They've been my faithful friends for more than a decade now and I love them more…

The "+" Stands for Extra Awesome!

It's a new year and maybe one of your resoultions is to give back to the community.  Well you're in luck, Animal Defense League has a thriving volunteer program and we're always looking for new recruits!  The biggest thing I heard in 2012 was how hard it is to find a place that allowed children.  Well guess what parents, the ADL loves its Junior Volunteers!  Kids ages 10-15 must be with a parent or guardian volunteer at all times and they not allowed to…

The Cat's in the Cradle … and Maybe the Engine!

Categories: Pet Tips

I know, I know ... it's December and it's still pretty hot outside!  San Antonio weather, what can you do!?!  Of course, we do havea cold spell (supposedly) coming up soon ... and just a few weeks ago it got pretty chilly out there.   That's where my story comes into play.  I was getting into my car one of those chilly nights a few weeks ago when I thought I saw something under neath it.  Now for those of you…

Happy Thanksgiving!

Categories: Pet Tips

Thanksgiving is upon us once again!  That time of year when we gather with family and friends, watch some football, eat lots of delicious things and wear stretchy pants that we call our "Thanksgiving pants" (just me???).  It's also that time of year when our furry friends like to sit by our feet at the dinner table and beg for some of those awesome table scraps.  We've all done it, snuck a few morsels of turkey or perhaps a dollop…

Howl-o-Ween at the ADL!!

Categories: Community EventsPet Tips

So let me just fess up right now ... I LOVE Halloween.  It's the tie of year where you can be whatever you want to be!  Once again the Animal Defense League invites you to come enjoy our free Halloween event.  From 4 pm to 6:30 pm tomorrow, we will be hosting all sorts of fun at the ADL (11300 Nacogdoches Road).  We'll have trick-or-treating for the kids, carnival games, a costume contest and you can even get a festive picture…

Dancing’s for the Dogs (and Cats)!!!!

Categories: Community Events

Boy oh boy am I excited about this one!  A local dance studio is hosting a donation drive for the Animal Defense League this Friday and it's going to be a blast!  I am by no means Ginger Rogers, but I LOVE to dance!!!  You know when Eliza Dolittle sings "I Could Have Dance All Night?"  That's me, without the cockney accent though.  Or how about when Gene Kelly yells "Gotta Dance!!!" in "Singing in the Rain?" Yeah, I've done…

An Adventure of the Bold & Bizarre

Categories: Community Events

So I had the opportunity to participate in the Síclovía fun on Sunday and boy was it an eye-popping adventure!  The Animal Defense League provided the water for the dogs who came with their people that day.  I saw all kinds of dogs from Great Danes to teacup Yorkies keeping pace during the event.  The ADL even got quite a few shout-outs from people who support our mission!  I'm told there were 45,000 people and a decent chunk of them…

A New "Star" at the ADL

Categories: Opt to AdoptPet Spotlight

Have you ever had one of THOSE DAYS, when it just seems like a rain cloud is traveling over your head?  Well that happened to me quite literally last week.  Every time I had to go outside for work, I got rained on ... EVERY TIME!!!  I did a volunteer orientation at the ADL and yup, we got drenched during the tour!  Luckily everyone was excited about getting started and had a great attitude about it.  But no matter how miserable…