
Category: Featured Story

Memorial Gazebo

Categories: Featured Story

Thank you to all who made a memorial donation during Remember Me August. The plaques have been placed in honor of your loved ones in our memorial gazebo. You can . . .

Thank You for Your Support During the Aftermath of Harvey

Categories: Featured Story

We would like to thank everyone who helped The Animal Defense League of Texas assist displaced animals during the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

Underdog of the Week – Mr. Big

Categories: Animal Defense League BlogsFeatured StoryPet Spotlight

There are many pet injuries that we see at our hospital that make us unhappy, but Mr. Big’s gunshot wound makes us happy that he’s now with the Animal Defense . . .

Underdog of the Week – Diana

Categories: Animal Defense League BlogsFeatured StoryPet SpotlightWays to help ADL

Meet Diana! Diana is a 4-year-old, female, pit bull mix that arrived at ADL from Animal Care Services. When she first arrived, our veterinary team noticed that she was warm. . . .

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