Hola, soy Tate

Diamante en bruto

Campus de Nacogdoches - Edificio 11




6 years, 6 months and 9 days old


62 libras



Pet Photo
Pet Photo

más sobre mí

Hey there friends! The name is Tate, but my friends around here call me "Tater Tot" and "Tater" because I remind them of a potato in the best way possible , probably because of my round fluffy body and sweet personality that makes you feel all happy and mushy inside. Anyways, since we're on the topic of potatoes, I gotta say that I am your ideal couch potato! If you're looking for a laid back dude to cuddle on the couch with while watching movies and eating some snacks, I'm your guy. Even though I am a bit of a lazy guy, I ain't gonna sleep on snuggles! I love to lean my head and sometimes my whole body on you when I want some snuggles. I know I may not be your typical size for a lap dog, but that won't stop me from snuggling (and sometimes even falling asleep!) on your lap. I'm also a sucker for belly rubs, I can't go a day without them! While I'm not extremely active, I do love to zoom every once in a while and I do enjoy a good walk! I've been here for quite a long time, and it's pretty much all because I can be a bit intimidating in my kennel and shy at first with new people. But I promise outside of my kennel I'm a whole lot less scary and with some treats and time I'll be your number one snuggle buddy. I am truly the most loyal and loving companion you could ask for. Please give me a chance to experience having a home of my own.

La tarifa de adopción de mascotas incluye:

Cirugía de esterilización/castración, vacunas apropiadas para la edad, microchip, tratamiento de parásitos internos y externos, prevención del gusano del corazón, una bolsa de inicio de Heritage Ranch de H-E-B comida para mascotas y mucho más. Las tarifas pueden ser diferentes durante los especiales de adopción. Llame a 210-655-1481 o consulte nuestra Calendario de actos para consultar las ofertas actuales.

Solicite más información sobre Tate #45365865

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Formulario de adopción Tate #45365865