


1 year, 2 months and 5 days old


60 libras



Pet Photo
Pet Photo

más sobre mí

Thorns are supposed to be all sharp and prickly, but that definitely isn't the case for me! The shelter is pretty scary for me, so I may seem a little scared of my surroundings and not show my energetic, goofy self, but I promise you I have the biggest heart. I love to cuddle with people so very much! Sometimes I'll lean my whole body into you and then roll over for some bellyrubs. When I am feeling active, I like to chase toys around the play yard. I do very well with other dogs and I also am open to going home with kids! I ended up in the shelter at no fault of my own and my previous owners who loved me very much only had good things to say about me. They taught me pretty much all the basics to living in a home, meaning I'll be able to adjust to my new home easier! Take me home and see why I am the best dog!

La tarifa de adopción de mascotas incluye:

Cirugía de esterilización/castración, vacunas apropiadas para la edad, microchip, tratamiento de parásitos internos y externos, prevención del gusano del corazón, una bolsa de inicio de Heritage Ranch de H-E-B comida para mascotas y mucho más. Las tarifas pueden ser diferentes durante los especiales de adopción. Llame a 210-655-1481 o consulte nuestra Calendario de actos para consultar las ofertas actuales.

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Formulario de adopción Thorn #55425211